The Stumble That Led To A Tumbler

I was back logged on nature time, thank goodness I escaped from the city this past weekend. I was whisked away to Nantucket as part of a work trip. My boyfriend came home about a month ago and asked if I would be interest in going to Nantucket for the food & wine festival. The way he asked me you would have thought he wanted to take me to Ohio in the middle of a blizzard. My response was, "Is that even a question?" I anxiously counted down the days till our trip and upon my arrival I realized it was everything I had hoped for and more.

The second day we devoted to exploring the nature preservation on the far northern part of the island. It's a long walk before you hit the preserve but we refused to rent a Jeep and drive. We wanted to feel connected to all that was around us. 

About half a mile from the entrance and many sandy footprints we could see the wonderful escape we were about to discover. 

I started getting nervous about potential tic bites and Steven (my beloved) quickly started calming my fears. He was so committed to making sure I wasn't nervous that he began speaking and gesturing passionately and his feet just couldn't keep up. He slipped off a sand mound and rolled his ankle. 

I instantly knew he was hurt by how quickly he went down. We both agreed we needed to turn around, find ice, get back to the car and hope that he could manage the walk. About a quarter mile from the car we stumbled upon a beautiful Wauwinet Inn. We found our oasis through the "Nantucket Desert" at their restaurant Toppers.  The clientele was sophisticated and reservations were required to dine al Fresca. A very nice server guided us the bar/lounge where we quickly ordered a bag of ice for the ankle. We had eaten a late and large breakfast but couldn't pass up the bowl of Old Bay fries. The perfect complement to these delicious bites was of course an Aperol Spritz. We both agreed that this was the most delicious Spritz we had tasted, aside from Steven's own recipe. I give you his take on this refreshing drink. Sometimes life forces you to stop and redirect your discoveries. Life also reminds you that living in the city for too long can make you forget of other looming potential dangers, sand. 

Aperol Spritz

3 parts Prosecco

2 parts Aperol

1 part soda

An organe wedge for garnish

Combine the first three ingredients in a large glass filled with ice, starting with pouring the Aperol, then the soda and top with the Prosecco. Stir slightly and finish with the orange. 


Travel Photo Diary

This past month has been wonderful.  I traveled west to Ojai for a wedding, back to Chicago for my brother's birthday and visited Cape Cod for the first time.  Two of the places I have never been and I know I will be going back to both. 

Before I drove to Ojai I spent a couple of days basking in Los Angeles sunshine.  I reconnected with old roomies, had a cocktail party hosted at my gal Adrien's amazing new place where we sampled my honey and I had a bestie day with the beautiful and recently engaged Lyndsay.

While in Ojai, I stayed at the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa.  The accommodations were lovely and the wedding was spectacular.  I was overjoyed to be a part of the beautiful union of two of my favorite people. I highly recommend this place for a visit. A quick two hour drive outside of Los Angeles, you will feel renewed and refreshed.

My darling Jess was a stunning bride and I loved my fellow bridesmaids.

It is not everyday your baby brother turns 21!!! I stopped in Chicago on my way back to New York to toast him on his big night and of course fit in some time to play a little mini golf with my niece and nephew.  I am so happy I was a part of this day, I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  Love you my little bumblebee.

Cape Cod was just the thing I needed to catch up on my rest. A close destination for relief from city life, this place is a must see on my list.  I stayed in Yarmouth Port with dear friends and had myself a relaxing and enjoyable time.  We lounged at the beach, cooked dinners at home, asked each other a million questions around a fire at night and breathed in the fresh air during our mini day trips to towns.  

I feel rested, blessed and know I have more stories to share than hours in the day.  I hope these photos inspire you to take your own travels, savor each moment and share your joys with those you love. 

Travel Tips

I have been traveling quite a bit over the past six months and have found a few tips to help me stay calm and feel prepared so when I arrive to my destination my anxiety is not there because I have "thought of everything".....ok maybe not everything. Below you will find a few of my tried and true tips to help keep you looking great from the inside out while you travel.  

Traveling is such an exciting experience but can bring on stress.  I am an organized person, meaning professional list maker.  Before I pack I always take 5 minutes to write down exactly what I need so I don't forget anything important. How terrible would it be to forget your bridesmaid dress and shoes for the wedding you are standing up in? Toothbrush? Enough changes of undergarments? I find the smaller the thing the more likely it is to be forgotten.  Take time to plan out what you need, not just clothes but toiletries, reading materials, chargers, no item is too small to list.

I typically pile my clothes onto my bed and snap a photo before I put it in the suitcase.  That way when I look back at the photo before I close my bag I can take one last inventory check to see if I forgot any pieces. 

If you are wondering what those purple rubber things are on the bottom left, they are the most wonderful thing I introduced into my life recently, yogatoes.  Look them up, they will save your feet and save your life. 

One of my favorite masks to use, available at Whole Foods

Before I travel I always hydrate from the inside out.  I typically pack the night before (I don't have the time to do it until last minute these days) so while I pack I wear a super hydrating topical mask. When I am done packing, I wash my face and hop right into bed to get as much sleep as I can before the morning of travel ahead.  I drink a good amount of water the morning of a flight to help fight dehydration. This is also one of the moments where I will apply a thin layer of vitamin E oil to my skin before I leave. When I arrive to my destination my skin is soft and dewy.  Your skin may appear to be a bit greasy looking at first but your skin will thank you later by looking radiant.  

A must pack for me to is snacks since I am always skeptical of what I will find at the airport.  A few pieces of fresh fruit, nuts and yogurt help tie me over till I reach my destination and can savor every bite that my destination has to offer. 


I recently arrived back from the West Coast and I feel refreshed!  Having spent my early 20's living in the Golden State it holds a special place in my heart.  I required some much needed r&r recently and California was my destination.  On my trip I spent time in Los Angeles, Malibu, Napa Valley and San Francisco.  It was a whirlwind trip and I have listed some of the places I spent time at from dining, shopping and sites to see.  Enjoy my finds and let me know some of your favorite spots!

Los Angeles;


Susina Bakery-The best pastries and coffee, I dream about their chocolate mousse cake.

Joan's on Third-From their pastries, sandwiches and cheeses, this place is a gem on 3rd and a must see! 

Sweet Lady Jane-I have to stop at this bakery to get my favorite cake on earth, the triple berry good!

Shopping; I only had a few hours to spare so I went vintage clothe shopping on Melrose with one of my best girlfriends and we made out like bandits. When in town check out these places-

Wasteland, Buffalo Exchange, Melrose Trading Post and American Vintage


I spent the better part of the weekend at a home me and several girls rented for our dear friend Jess's bachelorette party.  We cooked most of our meals in the spectacular kitchen at home but did venture out to Malibu Family Wines for an afternoon of fun.  From the ambiance to the live music this was an amazing day spent!  We packed our picnic baskets and made a day of it relaxing.  Check out my girl Jess as the new bride in town and me as a part of her party posse!

The first photo was the view from the room I stayed in while at the house.  We got our rental through Air B&B a great website for anyone looking for lodging other than a hotel.  We made it back to house just in time to watch the sunset on the rooftop deck, a beautiful moment!

Napa Valley;

I stayed in Yountville with my cousin while in the Valley, home to one of the greatest chefs in our country Thomas Keller's many restaurants.  


Bouchon Bakery- For a breakfast pastry and coffee a stop at this Keller place is a must, my trip wouldn't have been complete without a visit to this famous shop.  

Cook Restaurant-This is a locals spot and after finishing our meal I knew what all the buzz was about.  The food is delicious and the service is wonderful.  

Model Bakery-We stopped at Model Bakery for their famous English Muffin to have for breakfast the next day.  Crispy, light and buttery, these muffins are perfection!

Mustards Grill-This restaurant is an institute and staple in the Valley for years.  I had a wonderful dinner there which was complimented by an amazing French Pear Sidecar Martini.  I am going to perfect the recipe and post it soon!

Bottega-Michael Chiarello's delightful restaurant is one of my favorite places to get a night cap in town.  The outdoor seating has a fireplace that makes it a perfect setting for enjoying the company of others.


We headed into St. Helena which is a charming part of the Valley for the afternoon for some retail therapy and lunch.  The shops are unique and fun to even just window shop.  


Hall Vineyards-This past trip was a quick one but I managed to squeeze a tasting in at the new Hall tasting room.  This is a beautiful place to visit and to do a tasting.  Their newly remodeled facility and grounds are amazing to walk through, I had some fun exploring.  

San Francisco;

A city worth exploring more but I didn't have the time this past visit.  I was only able to make it down to China Town for a quick dinner before I caught my flight back to New York.  We ate at the Great Eastern Restaurant where President Obama has dined and it was tasty.  

This trip was a wonderful respite from NYC living, full of family and friends that I love.

Till next time California......

Oh, I almost better believe I made a stop at In-N-Out!