Raspberry Palmiers

I have always loved Palmiers, they are not only adorable to look at but delicious to eat.  Seeing these made with a raspberry filing instantly caught my eye and I knew I needed to recreate them. The filling alone is delicious to top on your yogurt or ice cream.  I cut mine on the smaller end thinking I wouldn't eat as many....WRONG! I barely shared the first batch.


2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed
About 4oz Raspberries
Brown Sugar to taste


Prepare the filling first; puree raspberries in a blender and add sugar to taste.

Sprinkle your work area generously with sugar and flatten the puff pastry thin. Spread the filling over but not too much as the most of it will leak out. Roll it up, wrap in foil and put in a fridge for a half an hour. Then slice it up and put on a large oven pan lined with baking paper. Bake according to the instructions on the package of puff pastry. Check out this video to learn how to roll your pastry; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVNk2lnAsvc

There will be several of these so it may be tight space on the pan.  Natural leaking of filling is normal but, they will still turn out adorable and delicious.

Eat hot or cold if you can wait......