Tres Leches Cake

This cake though....I loved how easy it was to prepare and of course was even easier to consume whole.  For your next party bring this cake, you will become the hero! I followed the lovely recipe of Rhee Drummond (aka the Pioneer Woman) but skipped on her garnish, I found the whipped cream alone to be more than enough.

Grasshopper Pie

Made famous in the 1950's, the grasshopper pie is almost like a lost treasure.  When I set out to make the pie, I had no idea the adventure I had ahead of me.  From making my own creme de menthe-you don't have to, this is my overly ambitious self coming through, to all of  the different steps, what a time.  The end result was more delicious than I had anticipated and I would absolutely do it again.  Follow the link to Martha's recipe!

NYC Cake Club

Save the date, the first official @nyccakeclub is happening Sunday April 12th! Are you on our mailing list to RSVP? Click the link in profile to sign up! We will be announcing location and time a couple of days before only to our mailing list. Yes, it's a secret location, shhhhh! Share with anyone who needs to be in the know!
