Key Lime Pie Throwdown

Just like so many other wonderful discoveries, my ability to make the best Key Lime Pie was a complete surprise. I've lost count over the years of how many times I've made this dessert. I stumbled upon the original recipe from a goop(Gwyneth Paltrow's Lifestyle Site) newsletter. They had modified it from a Martha Stewart recipe by adding more fresh lime juice. I took it a step further and added more fresh lime zest. The general consensus?People like things tart, tangy, buttery and sweet.

I've thought about entering my recipe into a Blue Ribbon contest. I feel like I'd win and I'm not typically that bold about my recipes. This Independence Day I'm challenging a group of friends to a blind taste test of my version plus two other acclaimed pies. Who will win? I'll be the first to report!

Add this recipe to your summer life, you won't want to remember a time when you didn't have this delicious pie in your repertoire.




For your delight, I've attached three recipes for you to see and decide which one you'd like to use!