An Orange Lip-Spring Trend Alert

I have collected beauty tips and tricks over the years.  I have learned/studied what others do to accomplish a look and on my own tried to make it work for me.  There can be a lot of trial and error (like most things) but if you never try then you will never know.  One of my favorite things to always experiment with are new lipsticks.  I am a firm believer in a new lipstick can change your world.  As someone who likes to be encouraged by trends but be not ruled by them, I want to share with you how to achieve the orange lip that is popping up all over this Spring.  

Picking a shade; Don't be intimidated by the idea of orange, it can be extremely flattering. Find a shade that compliments your skin tone, I am more fair with pink and blue undertones so a warmer orange with red looks best on my skin type.  Unsure of your skin tone? Go into a makeup counter and speak with an artist who can help you determine your best shades.

For this tutorial we used MAC lipstick in So Chaud and MAC lip pencil in What A Blast.  

Prep lips; apply a moisturizing balm to your lips first, this helps keeps your lips moist and makes your color last longer.  I like to apply a concealer around the edge of lips to help outline them and it naturally enhances the look.  Blend it down into the lips so there is no obvious concealer line.  

Application; We applied this lip by using a lip brush, this offers a bit more control. Start from the center and work your way out to the edges of your lips.

For a finished look I would add a lip pencil.  If lip liner is not your thing than you can skip this step, I think it completes the look, adding definition which makes your lips appear to be perfect. Apply liner around the edges of your lips. Now go out there with your popped lip and have some fun!

The lovely and gifted artist Christa W. helped me with this post today. Please contact me for her info, she is a true talent.  My next beauty tutorial will be on how we gave my skin a natural and dewy glow to compliment this lip! 

Apple Crostata

I had a few apples lying around that needed to be put to good use.  I decided to make a quick apple crostata earlier this week and the results were delicious.  Those who have a hard time making pie crust look pretty, this recipe is for you.  Simple to assemble and minimal finesse needed to make the crostata look good, anyone can make this dessert. Think of this as an open face pie, no other explanation necessary.  


For Crust

3/4 cup ap flour

3/4 cup almond flour

1 stick of unsalted cold butter cut into cubes

1 tsp of fine salt

4-6 tbsp of cold water

For Filling

4 medium-large apples; I used a combination of granny green and rome apples

1/4 cup of brown sugar

1/4 cup of white sugar

Juice from one lemon

1 tbsp of cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

Assemble crust; sift together all dry ingredients.  Cut the cold butter into the flour mixture until the butter becomes pearl sized.  Slowly add cold water a tablespoon at a time to the mixture until it starts to form into a dough.  Transfer the dough into a piece of plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least a half an hour.

Assemble filling; peel and slices apples into 1/4 inch thick pieces.  Combine sugars and spices together. Combine apples, spice/sugar mix and lemon juice.  Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow the apples to macerate.  

Preheat oven to 375º.  Flour a clean and dry service.  Place dough onto floured surface and knead a few times until it is covered nicely in flour.  Flour your rolling pin and begin to roll dough out from the center to the outer corners. This doesn't need to look perfect, this dish is much more rustic in it's feeling.  Once you get the dough to about a ten inch diameter, add the apple mixture to the center of the dough.  You want to keep the mixture mostly in the center and leave about three inches around the perimeter to be free to allow you to fold the crust over.  

Start to fold the dough over the apples overlapping the dough as you move around in a circle. Once you have gone all the way around the circle go back around and push any dough pieces that were sticking up down into the filing.

Place the crostata onto a parchment lined baking sheet.  Place in oven and bake for 25 minutes. Rotate the sheet and turn oven heat down to 325º and bake fore 20 more minutes.  Remove from over and allow to cool for 15 minutes.

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

In honor of the first few days of Spring I offer up my favorite pie recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb. This has been a favorite pie of mine since I was a little girl and I was over the moon to see the first bits of rhubarb appear in the market this past week.  Depending on where you live delicious and sweet strawberries may be already available.  If not, wait a couple more weeks and your combination will be perfect. This is a perfect pie combination for me, sweet & tart and of course a lovely buttery crust to compliment the flavors.  

Pie crust;

Yields two 9" circles

2 1/2 cups a.p. flour

2 sticks of chilled unsalted butter cut into cubes

1/4 cup of brown sugar

1 tsp of salt

6-8 tbsp of cold water

Sift together flour, sugars and salt.  Add the cubed butter into the mixture either using a pastry cutter to incorporate or your hands.  Working quickly, mix all ingredients together until the butter starts to become pearl sized as it gets combined with the dry ingredients.  Slowly add a few tbsp of cold water and mix together.  Add more water till the mixture begins to be moistened through but not overly wet.  Separate the dough into equal parts, wrap in plastic and refrigerate each disk for at least a half hour. If making your own crust is too time consuming store bought works just fine.

While the dough rests make the filling.

1 quart of strawberries cleaned, stemmed and quartered

3 stalks of rhubarb cleaned and sliced into 1/4 inch pieces

1/4 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of brown sugar

Combine all ingredients together in a bowl and place in the fridge for a half hour to allow the fruit to macerate.  

Preheat your oven to 375º. Take one disk of dough out of the fridge.  Flour a clean, flat surface and roll the dough out.  Starting from the center with a floured rolling pin, you want to work out towards the corners.  Once you get the dough to a desired thinness (a little less than a 1/4 inch) place in a buttered 9" pie dish.  If the dough hangs over the sides a bit don't worry you can trim it back later. 


Add the filling to the bottom crust pouring it in evenly.  Take out the 2nd disk of dough and roll out as you did with the first.  Place on top of filling.  Pinch the top and bottom layers together in whatever preferred way, I find using the prong end of a fork to be easiest.  If you have excess crust, easily trim with kitchen scissors.  With a very sharp knife create four slits around the top crust equally apart from each other, starting from the center and moving back towards the crust.

Make a quick egg wash if you prefer with one egg and a splash of milk.  Whisk together and brush over the top.  Sprinkle crust with a little extra white sugar.


I love to use my little pie bird to help funnel liquid from the juices of the filling!

Place pie on an aluminum lined cookie sheet, bake for 25 minutes.  Lower temperature to 325º and continue to bake for another 25 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least an hour.  Slice and enjoy!



Breakfast Tacos With The Best Eggs

Over the weekend I made one of my favorite things to eat in the morning, breakfast tacos.  I blame my love for them on the years I spent living in Los Angeles and consuming them on an all too regular basis.  I love to make them at home and modify the toppings, the one I never forget to add is of course sliced avocado.  These are easy to make and a delicious way to start your day.

A good friend of mine recently started working with The Happy Egg Co. They are a wonderful integrity based business supplying delicious eggs from happy and healthy chickens.  When she told me about the company I immediately needed to go out and get some to use.   They are available nationwide, delicious and as a consumer a buy you can feel good about.  A little integrity goes a long way. 

To get more info on the company click; 


5 eggs, Happy Co of course!

1 tsp vegetable oil

1 can of organic black beans drained

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp chili powder

1/2 white onion diced

1/4 cup cilantro leaves

1/4 cup of your favorite salsa

1 avocado diced

1 lime sliced into wedges

6 corn tortilla shell

Salt and Pepper

Whisk the eggs together, adding salt and pepper to taste and set aside.  In a large skillet warm a teaspoon of vegetable oil over medium-low heat for a few minutes.  In a small saucepan combine the black beans, cumin and chili powder and heat through for a couple of minutes. Dice the onions, avocado and slice the lime.  

Pour the eggs into the warmed skillet and scramble using a spatula.  To scramble; stir and toss the eggs constantly using a spatula.  Once the eggs are cooked pour them onto a plate.  Warm the tortillas in a low heated mostly flat skillet.

Gather all the ingredients. I love to set up all the ingredients in their own containers as if it were like taco night and every ingredient can be added to your liking.  

Please enjoy! 

Yogurt, Oatmeal and Honey Mask

Just when I thought we had turned a corner to Spring the weather gets chilly again and leaves my skin the driest it has been all winter.  It is no secret that from a young age I have loved applying facials masks and in my adult life I love to make my own.  I swear by this at home facial to bring my skin back to life.  Most of the ingredients are probably in your kitchen right now and combined they moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate and brighten.  The yogurt contains lactic acid, a gentle exfoliant that helps cleanse your pores.  The milk fat in the yogurt and honey contain moisturizers and a nice squirt of lemon adds a little extra Vitamin C to the mix for brightening. While washing off the mask the oatmeal helps rid any dry areas of skin.   This mixture is amazing on your skin and good enough to eat!  Yes, you may eat the leftovers, just allow the oats to sit in the yogurt for a couple of hours!

*If you suffer from sensitive skin omit the lemon, it can increase your chances to burn.

1 tablespoon of greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of honey

1 tablespoon of dry oats

A squeeze from a lemon

Combine all of the ingredients together in a bowl.  Apply the mask to your face with your fingertips or wide brush (the brush feels wonderful).  Leave on your face for 15-20 minutes and relax.  Gently wash off the mixture with warm water in a circular motion using a damp wash cloth. Your skin should feel smooth and hydrated.  I follow with a light moisturizer and nothing else to give my face a day off of makeup. 

Other tips to help dry skin;

It's been said before and I'll say it again, water, water and more water.  Hydration starts from within so make sure you are getting at least 8 glasses a day.  Eat nutrient dense fruits and veggies for their health benefits and hydrating qualities.  Sleep is when your body heals, that means everything from the inside out.  Your skin regenerates while you sleep so enjoy some extra zzz when you can!

I hope you enjoy this mask! It is always good to remember to do something nice for yourself.  

Pear Tart

I recently had a dear friend of mine over and to celebrate some new exciting things in each other's lives I made a delicious dessert.  This dessert is light and has a mild savory quality to it so you don't feel overwhelmed by sweetness.  


1 store bought pie crust (or homemade if you prefer)

1/4 cup fruit preserve of your choice (I used a tropical guava flavor)

3oz goat cheese (room temperature)

1/4 cup Greek yogurt (I prefer 2% and at room temperature)

2tbsp honey

3 ripe pears I used d'anjou

Preheat the over to 375º. Grease a 10" tart pan and place the pie crust in the pan.  With a fork prong the crust to allow air pockets.  Place a piece of parchment paper over the crust and fill with pie weights.  Blind bake the crust for about 25-30 minutes, the crust should have a slight golden color.  Remove from oven and let cool for about ten minutes.  

While the crust bakes combine the honey, goat cheese and yogurt into a bowl.  Slice the pears thinly and put aside.  

Once the pie crust has cooled take the fruit preserve and spread it over the bottom of the crust. Then take the cheese and yogurt mixture and spread it over the preserve.  It is ok if the fruit and cheese begin to combine a bit, they will covered by the fruit.  Just try to spread the cheese and yogurt mixture as evenly as possible. 

Arrange the sliced pear in a ring along the outer perimeter of the tart, stacking them as close as possible.  You can continue a second ring in the center or take the slices like I did and create a petal formation to create the appearance of a flower.  

Bake for 30 minutes at 375º.  Remove from the oven an allow to cool for ten minutes.  Slice and enjoy!  Refrigerate your leftovers if you have any!