Yogurt, Oatmeal and Honey Mask

Just when I thought we had turned a corner to Spring the weather gets chilly again and leaves my skin the driest it has been all winter.  It is no secret that from a young age I have loved applying facials masks and in my adult life I love to make my own.  I swear by this at home facial to bring my skin back to life.  Most of the ingredients are probably in your kitchen right now and combined they moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate and brighten.  The yogurt contains lactic acid, a gentle exfoliant that helps cleanse your pores.  The milk fat in the yogurt and honey contain moisturizers and a nice squirt of lemon adds a little extra Vitamin C to the mix for brightening. While washing off the mask the oatmeal helps rid any dry areas of skin.   This mixture is amazing on your skin and good enough to eat!  Yes, you may eat the leftovers, just allow the oats to sit in the yogurt for a couple of hours!

*If you suffer from sensitive skin omit the lemon, it can increase your chances to burn.

1 tablespoon of greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of honey

1 tablespoon of dry oats

A squeeze from a lemon

Combine all of the ingredients together in a bowl.  Apply the mask to your face with your fingertips or wide brush (the brush feels wonderful).  Leave on your face for 15-20 minutes and relax.  Gently wash off the mixture with warm water in a circular motion using a damp wash cloth. Your skin should feel smooth and hydrated.  I follow with a light moisturizer and nothing else to give my face a day off of makeup. 

Other tips to help dry skin;

It's been said before and I'll say it again, water, water and more water.  Hydration starts from within so make sure you are getting at least 8 glasses a day.  Eat nutrient dense fruits and veggies for their health benefits and hydrating qualities.  Sleep is when your body heals, that means everything from the inside out.  Your skin regenerates while you sleep so enjoy some extra zzz when you can!

I hope you enjoy this mask! It is always good to remember to do something nice for yourself.