Vegan Roasted Cauliflower

Vegan Roasted Cauliflower

Sunday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week. The world stays quieter a little bit longer, the vibe is more relaxed and leisure is a priority. As I laid in my bed this past Sunday I scrolled through my social media accounts and stopped at this Jamie Oliver post. A whole roasted cauliflower? I'm all in. I went to the store that evening and got the remaining ingredients I didn't have at home and the results were amazing. This is going to become a new staple in my home routine that I will continue to riff on. Try it, it's more delicious than you could imagine! 

Click this link for the recipe!

Lunch with Lulu

Reminiscing about this perfect summer afternoon with the incredible Lulu Powers. Fresh heirlooms, buratta, basil and shaved truffles. Did I mention the lite Promise Wine Rosé?


We simply simmered the baby heirlooms in a little bit of olive oil for twenty minutes with olive oil.  We then added them to a bowl and garnished with basil, truffles, salt, pepper and of course the fresh buratta.  

Sweet Potato Fries

Over a week into the New Year and I am feeling refreshed.  The first week of my detox was not as bad as I had thought but my cravings for things skyrocketed.  Around day five I needed to get creative and realized I actually didn't have to look that far. I had a sweet potato looking to be used and I had the perfect idea, I made my tried and true sweet potato fries.  This recipe is something you should never feel guilty about enjoying!

1 sweet potato

1/4 cup of olive oil

Sea Salt

Fresh Thyme (dried will work too)

Preheat your oven to 450º Fahrenheit.  Take your sweet potato and slice off either end, then slice in half. Place the larger circle side of the sweet potato down onto a cutting board and slice long ways at a 1/2 inch thickness.  Take each slice and cut a 1/4 inch slices to make into the fry size.  Repeat on the other half.  

Place the fries into a bowl and toss with the olive oil.  Make sure the fries are well coated and that there isn't too much excess liquid.  


Place directly onto a sheet pan (no foil or parchment needed) and space out so the fries are not overlapping or touching too much.  


Place in the oven and baked for 15 minutes, remove from oven and flip fries over.  Place back into the oven and cook ten minutes longer.  I really like mine a bit darker and crispy, adjust to your preferred taste by lower oven temperature and cooking time.  Sprinkle with salt and fresh thyme and serve.

