Ruse Goods Honey Elixir


It's finally here, my new produc! I am over the moon to announce my latest addition to my product line, Honey Elixir. For years I have been making my own modifications on simple syrups by substituting out regular sugar for natural alternative sweeteners and healthful ingredients.


The honey and cinnamon is a nutrient powerhouse combination. The raw honey is not cooked at too high of a temperature to ensure all of the health benefits stay intact. Raw honey has innumerable benefits for overall health and should become a part of your daily life. Cinnamon is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and helps stabilize your blood sugar(along with honey this is a perfect combo)! 

This elixir can be added to everything from your morning coffee to your evening cocktail. he elixir is being sold exclusively through the Brooklyn Borough Makers. Check out their entire site for some of the most wonderful products!




Honey Cupcakes

I am a blessed woman to have the love and support of my family and friends(who are just an extension of my own family).  One of my nearest and dearest friends Adrien is a jack of all trades.  She and I met several years ago in Los Angeles fresh out of college.  We both share passions for many things and have had helped encourage one another over the years.  Adrien recently purchased a bottle of my honey and used it in a delicious cupcake recipe. Not only did she make the cupcakes, she photographed the whole process.  Adrien has taken many photos of me, for me and of many others over the years.  She has an impeccable eye and I feel honored she took the time to take such beautiful shots. From photography to baking, there is nothing this lovely lady can't do. 

She got the recipe from here;

A thousand thank you's Adrien.  Check out some of her amazing photography from her project titled "Words with Friends." She is one of the most inspiring presences in my life and I am sure you will find her work heartfelt, relatable and encouraging.  

Honey Pat Down Mask

Blackheads got you feeling down?  Try this honey pat down to help get rid of those pesky blemishes.  Honey has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties so when it is applied to your skin it draws out impurities. Honey can also reduce redness and calm skin inflammation. Start with clean, dry skin. Place a small amount of honey on your fingers, then pat it gently over the areas where you have blackhead congestion. Allow the honey to sit for 10 minutes and rinse away with warm water. The honey naturally draws out dirt and oil, leaving your complexion clearer.  

P.S. Honey is the best!

You should probably pick some up here!

Raspberry Strawberry Preseves

Confiture-French for a preserve of fruit

It all started with a jar....

When I was back in Chicago a couple of weeks ago to visit my family my mother gave me the cutest jar for jam. I couldn't wait to get home and fill it with a delicious preserve made from the offerings of the season. I made the most lovely raspberry strawberry jam that is delicious and a must try at home. The ingredient list is short and the jam is ready in no time. 

A few days after making my first batch I was onto making four more from the left over fruit I had from the hand pies I made for an amazing event I catered. Fruit is coming into it's peak right now and not needing much sweetener.  I used honey (of course) and a little bit of sugar. I find that most fruit flavor combinations or fruit on it's is own is wonderful and using a little citrus helps when using two very sweet fruits. I typically leave the citrus out when using a combination that has a more bitter fruit like rhubarb.  

1 cup of cleaned raspberries

1 cup of strawberries cleaned, hulled and quartered

1/2 cup of honey

1/2 cup of sugar

1 lemon

In a bowl combine the fruit and with the back of a metal fork begin to mash the fruit together. Once the ingredients are a nice consistency of mashed fruit, toss honey, sugar and lemon into the mixture. Place the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring consistently.  Reduce the mixture to a low simmer continuing to stir and cook at this temperature for about 20 minutes. The mixture will be slightly runny still, remove from heat and allow it to cool to room temperature.  

Once cooled the mixture will become thicker and you will need to place the preserve into a desired jar.  This made enough for my small cute jam jar and another 6oz jar. You will need to place in the fridge to cool completely.  *If you are wanting to learn how to bottle and seal your jam research online.