Honey Cupcakes

I am a blessed woman to have the love and support of my family and friends(who are just an extension of my own family).  One of my nearest and dearest friends Adrien is a jack of all trades.  She and I met several years ago in Los Angeles fresh out of college.  We both share passions for many things and have had helped encourage one another over the years.  Adrien recently purchased a bottle of my honey and used it in a delicious cupcake recipe. Not only did she make the cupcakes, she photographed the whole process.  Adrien has taken many photos of me, for me and of many others over the years.  She has an impeccable eye and I feel honored she took the time to take such beautiful shots. From photography to baking, there is nothing this lovely lady can't do. 

She got the recipe from here; http://thecakeblog.com/2011/06/honey-cupcake-recipe.html

A thousand thank you's Adrien.  Check out some of her amazing photography from her project titled "Words with Friends." She is one of the most inspiring presences in my life and I am sure you will find her work heartfelt, relatable and encouraging.