A Breakfast Favorite-A Fried Egg Sandwich

Something my mother always made for me when I was a kid was a fried egg sandwich.  A classic, simple and delicious sandwich that always put me in the best mood to start my day.  When I crave one I must make it!  I have recreated this delicious sandwich and been introducing it to many friends along the way.  I get many calls and emails asking for this easy recipe. It is always the simple things that bring us the most joy. Thanks mom!


2 slices of bread

1 egg

A little butter to melt

1/4 cup of shredded kale

A few sliced cherry tomatoes or 1/2 a tomato sliced

2 tbsp goat cheese

1 tbsp dijon mustard

Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat and toast bread in a toaster.  Crack the egg into the skillet and help spread (break) the yolk slightly.  Cook through on one side and flip over.  Cook on other side until done.  Combine dijon and cheese together, spread onto one side of one slice of toast. Top with the egg, kale, tomatoes, the other piece of bread and slice.  Enjoy!

My Perfect Omelette

As the official countdown to Springtime begins (28 days!) I needed to treat myself to something delicious this morning to encourage me out of bed.  Over the years I have toyed with the perfect egg ratio for my omelette and have found two egg and one white to be my perfect combination.  My fillings are classic but the cheese I use is a bit of a twist, herbed goat cheese, perfect.  My method of cooking the omelette is pretty standard, it may take you a couple of times to get it but don't be intimidated.  

My Perfect Omelette

  • 3 eggs; 2 whole and one white
  • 1 tbsp of milk
  • 1 scallion sliced
  • 1/4 cup of spinach
  • 2 tbsp of herbed goat cheese
  • 4 mushrooms cleaned, stemmed and sliced
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Spray am 8" skillet with non-stick spray and bring to a medium high temperature for 2-3 minutes.  While the skillet is heating, crack the 2 eggs and add the 3rd egg white to a bowl and whisk.  Add the milk and whisk till combined.  


Reduce the heat of the skillet to medium low and add the egg mixture.  Start to swirl the pan so the egg mixture is continuously moving and cooking evenly through the bottom.  After about 30 seconds add to one side of the egg mixture the mushrooms, spinach, goat cheese and scallions. I then take a fitted lid and place it over the pan.  I turn off the heat and let the ingredients sit for 60 seconds.  I remove the lid and fold the empty half of the eggs onto the vegetables and cheese and slide the omelette onto a plate. I then sprinkle with salt and fresh pepper and enjoy my delicious omelette.