Honey Green Juice

Rise and shine! Try this delicious green juice in the morning!

Every time I research the best way to start your day, green juices always pop up. The health benefits alone are worth adding a green juice into your daily life. In honor of this trend that is becoming a staple in our lives, I offer up my favorite green juice drink of the a.m.

In a blender combine;

1 tbsp honey

1 pinch cayenne

3 kale leaves

2 celery stalks

¼ cup of cabbage shredded

1 apple or pear sliced

2 tbsp parsley

½ cup water

Blend everything for about 2 minutes over a high speed. Depending on the power of your blender it can be very smooth or still have some texture from the veggie fibers. Enjoy the numerous health benefits this green juice offers up. If using a juicer, omit the water and stir in the honey and cayenne once all veggies have been pushed through the juicer at the end.