Buttermilk Biscuits

Buttermilk Biscuits

Over the weekend I attended a wonderful brunch hosted by my dear friend Maiysha.  In honor of the holidays and with so much to celebrate she made it a “B” themed occasion.  Brunch, booze, biscuits and of course the new Beyoncé album played on a loop in the background.  The celebration was great and full of deliciousness.  I offered to bring over the biscuits and used my tried and true recipe.  I have been making biscuits for a few years now and found them to be much easier than I had originally thought, no need to fuss too much like most great things in life!

Yields 12 2 inch diameter biscuits


3 cups of ap flour

1 tbsp. of baking powder

1 tsp. of salt

3/4 tsp. baking soda

½ cup (1 stick) cold unsalted butter cut into small squares

1 cups to 1 1/2 cups of Buttermilk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Add the butter to the mixture and with your hands blend it into the mix.  You want to move quickly and the texture should begin to become a bit coarse with pearl size beads forming.  Create a well in the center of the mixture and pour the buttermilk into the mixture.  With a spoon stir the ingredients a few times till they are combined, you want the dough to be more sticky than dry, add more buttermilk if needed to acquire that consistency. 


Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead about 8 times.  With a floured rolling pin roll the dough out to about 1/2 inch thickness.  Take a fork and lightly prong the top of the dough every ½ inch.  With a 2” floured biscuit cutter begin to push through the dough to cut out the biscuits.  Place them onto an un-greased or parchment lined baking sheet.  


Bake from 12-15 minutes till a nice golden color.  You can rotate them mid way through cooking if needed.  Once the biscuits are out the oven, brush with a little melted butter and serve warm.


Don’t re-roll the scraps, just place on the baking sheets and enjoy!

They didn't last very long in true biscuits fashion, I didn't want the day to end! Between the Bey and food it was perfect!
