Music Playlists

Music is as much a part of my life as food.  I am always being asked by friends about the music I am listening to, can I make a playlist for a party, what is your current jam?  To be honest, I love all types of music and love sharing my finds with others.  I will be posting new playlists I have created and enlisting trusted friends to make some to share with you too.  The first playlist to be shared is created by a dear friend of mine who goes by the mixmaster name Crooklynzoo, I call him Irwin. He is an encouraging presence in my life and pushes me to keep reaching.  Music is always a topic of conversation on our agenda, making him a natural choice to ask for assistance with a list.  This playlist is called "Summer Nights Vibes" and should make you feel like you want to be on a roof with some good folk sipping on some drinks....I can't argue with that.  Enjoy these awesome tunes and check back for more updates on my playlists I will be creating.