Blueberry Buttermilk Biscuit Cobbler

I know, it's summertime, too hot to bake but how am I supposed to resist all of this produce in its peak season? I also love to combine baking styles/dishes.  There is nothing like a fruit crisp from France, buttermilk biscuits from the south and blueberries in the summer from the midwest or east coast. These three things come together to make a perfect dish. You won't regret the little bit of heat, there will be a reward waiting for you.   

The filling is the easiest part, you only need three ingredients.

4 cups of blueberries

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl, toss until incorporated. Then pour the contents into a 9 inch buttered baking dish.

My favorite buttermilk biscuit recipe comes from the wonderful Smitten Kitchen arsenal. She describes how to make the biscuits stand alone or drop form, follow the drop form for this recipe. They will turn out perfect. 

Be sure to preheat your oven to 375º. Bake the cobbler for about 20-25 minutes, check to see if they've reached a golden color on top. Allow to cool for a 10-15 minutes then do yourself a favor and serve warm with vanilla ice cream.