New Year New Things

With the New Year upon us it seems everyone (myself included) is making resolutions to help ring in the fresh beginning.  In years prior I have always rolled my eyes at people who proclaimed they would be doing a "cleanse" or "detox." Well, this year I should be rolling my eyes at myself because I too have joined the bandwagon and have adapted a sort of cleanse of my own.  Too many fun-filled weeks of holiday goodness has left me feeling a little worse for wear.  

I will be sharing specific recipes from this cleanse over the next few weeks.  To be clear, it is an elimination diet where you slowly add food back into your diet over the course of three weeks to see how your body reacts.  With it being mostly a vegan diet I am excited to share with you all of the fun discoveries of dishes I uncover and can share.  

In keeping with the New Year and new things, I will also start posting about beauty/health related topics. You asked for it so I am happy to share.  

Something I will be drinking every morning over the next few weeks is a tea that has been referred to as a golden elixir.  It's beneficial for a healthier you inside and out. The drink contains nutrient dense ingredients of liquids and spices that help from digestion, antimicrobial agents, anti-inflammatory aid and nausea to name a few. The list goes on and on with each ingredient having many benefits making this an easy choice to add to your daily life.

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

xxo Lexie

Golden Elixir Tea

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1 cup hot water

Squeeze Juice from half of a lemon

1 tbsp. Honey

1/8 tsp. Ground Tumeric

1/8 tsp. Ground Cayenne

1/8 tsp. Ground Ginger or freshly grated

While the water comes to a boil add all the other ingredients into a mug and stir together into a paste.

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Add the hot water to the mix and together.  Drink while hot, you may need to stir again while drinking if ingredients settle to the bottom.  

The best part about this tea is that it can be modified to your liking, keeping the same base of turmeric and honey, I sometimes add chopped garlic, cracked black pepper and whole pieces of ginger to steep.