Winter Night-time Moisturizer

The weather has been pretty frigid these past few weeks in many places.  I've experienced my own bit of extremes from being out in the cold and coming into my heated apartment which ends up drying out my skin!  My saving grace during these cold months is a combination of ingredients that I keep on hand and yes, a lot of my beauty tips come from ingredients I keep in the kitchen. "You like to nourish from the inside out" is what one of my dear friends told me and it's true! Coconut oil is something I am currently using daily to change things up since I can't have dairy right now.  Adjust the ingredients to your liking, I found this combo works happily on my skin and I wake up glowing.  

1 tsp Coconut Oil

1 tsp Argan Oil

2-3 drops of pure essential Lavender Oil



I place all the ingredients in a cupped palm and rub my hands together till combined.  I massage into my face in an upward and circular motion and finish by rubbing into my neck and chest.  Two of the most overlooked spots to moisturizer are our neck and chest, don't forget these places! I finish by taking a little extra coconut oil and rubbing it on my lips and around my eye area.  

I love this combination of ingredients because each one has amazing benefits. Coconut oil acts as a natural exfoliant removing excess dead cells on the surface of your skin while strengthening underlying tissues.  Argan oil helps balance out the oil in the skin while penetrating and moisturizing.  Lavender oil is amazing for clogged pores and the beautiful aroma helps calm my mind before I fall asleep.  

A few notes for anyone interested.  

  • The idea might seem crazy to some to put oil on your skin, won't it make you skin more oily?  The truth is that one of the leading causes of breakouts is a lack of moisture. Moisturizing with natural oils will balance out your skins oil level and help you towards a more even complexion.  
  • A little bit goes a long way so find the combination that works best for you.  Maybe Argan and Coconut aren't for you, other awesome essential oils to try are Almond, Castor, Olive and Grapeseed.  All of these oils have amazing benefits too and I swap them in from time to time. If the measurements are too high or low for you adjust to your liking.
  • When buying these oils be sure to buy 100% pure versions of these, not any blends.  They will cost a bit of money but that's the real deal, you don't want the diluted stuff.  A little bit goes a long way and you would end up spending more on generic night creams.  Be sure to read all of the labels.
  • In the spirit of the New Year and trying new things I would say go for it, it's about taking a moment for yourself and indulging.  

I hope you enjoy this and please reach out with any questions or comments!

xxo Lexie